Thursday, August 26, 2010

On Karl Marx

Please notice the brilliant use of epigrams and aphorisms in the following statements:

1) The workers have no country.
2)The prolearians have nothing to lose but their chains.
3)Religion is the opium of the people.
4)From each according to his abilities,to each according to his needs.
5) The dictatorship of the proletariat.
6)Workers of all country,unite.

By this time , I am sure, you have come to realise that all these statements are the inventions of Karl Marx, the Revolutionary philosopher.

But you are wrong.

Karl Marx was a pass muster in borrowing the sayings of others and using them as his own. In fact many of his essays were ghosted by Engels.
He was a journalist(and a poet too)and knew that unless he writes in pithy sentences(even if they are stolen from others), his entire ideas would fall into oblivion.

Now let us know who coined those statements serially that pass for Max's:

4)Louis Blanc
6)Karl Schapper

More on Marx later.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

On Health

3 things cannot be defined satisfactorily. Life, death and marriage oops?+@*$ Health.

No biology textbook can define life to the satisfaction of all. You have a life and for that matter I too have a life. The mango tree by the side of my bedroom the boughs of which were trimmed today has a life. The cute lap-dog that my landowner calls Miki and my son has grown fond of, has a life. But are they all alike? Is not it different from consciousness? Self-awareness or a consciousness that is conscious?

When the doctor and lawyer argue on death, you can sense neither of them understands the true nature of it. Is it the stop of heart-beat? or cessation of brain-function?Does consciousness survive death?

These are some of the questions that we cannot get out of our mind.

Finally Health( I shall come to marriage later on).

What is health? Is it merely absence of illness?

An emphatic No!

Health is that quality of our being that enables us to live 'in harmony with environment'.

I may have a robust health ( in traditional sense) and may look like Amir Khan or John Abraham. But if I cannot behave well with you, with my family,my neighbors, if I am intolerant of others' opinions, if I am not amenable to the idea of re-writing the Encyclopedia Britannica every day and so on. Then I am not a healthy person. However least my medical expenses might be!
This follows that health is a holistic concept. And modern medicine with so much reductionist attitude is incompatible with this idea.

If interested I suggest you read Fritjof Capra's 'Uncommon Wisdom'.